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Migrating to Cast

This is a migration guide for existing distros that are using some variation of the sift-cli like SIFT or REMnux.


Cast is a singlular tool designed to install, test and release cast compatible distributions that are built with SaltStack.

It uses a single file in the project root called .cast.yml to define how releases and installations take place.

Cast uses cosign to sign all releases but supports the legacy PGP signing that the sift-cli and remnux-cli uses.


A Cast distro is a bunch of SaltStack states and there's and how they are organized is very flexible but there is a recommended base organization. To support embedding states from one project into another project using git submodules, it is recommended that all base states start in the root of the project. A base state is generally a target for building like desktop or server or dedicated or standalone. All other states are encourage to be in subdirectories that make sense from a human readability and organization standpoint.

This design allows for a distro to be submoduled into another distro.


During development of a Cast distro, Cast provides testing tools but if you'd like to use SaltStack directly you simply need to honor a few guidelines for how to setup your development environment. For example if you are building a distro called example you'd want your file root for saltstack to be /tmp/salt with your Cast distro cloned into /tmp/salt/example.


To migrate to Cast and to use Cast to manage all your releases there are a few steps that must be taken.

  1. Create a Cosign Private and Public Key
  2. Ensure you have your PGP Private and Public Key
  3. Create a .cast.yml file and populate it properly.
  4. Modify .gitignore
  5. Commit changes
  6. Create a tag
  7. Create a release

Migration by Example

The current version of SIFT is not in the recommended format. All base states exist in a subfolder within the root of the project, but Cast is designed to handle this scenario if it's required.

To migrate SIFT as it is currently, the Cast file would look like the following.

version: 2
name: sift
base_dir: sift
  - name: server
    state: sift.server
    default: true
  - id: ubuntu
    release: 20.04
    codename: focal

Since all the states exist within the sift folder we define the base_dir as sift, this is how we ensure files get packed and unpacked properly for execution. The modes are a carry over from the sift-cli and the easy modes that make represent an installation mode for the distro, modes allows for a default to be specified and what the modes are and what state should be called as a result, this allows for a great deal of flexibility by a distro author.

Finally the supported OS provides a way to indicate if the target OS is supported or not.

Once the .cast.yml is in place and committed to the repository, we can create our first tag and publish using Cast. Since we want to maintain backwards compatibility with the sift-cli we'll enable legacy signing using PGP.

First, update your .gitignore and ignore *.key

Second, create your cosign keys.

cosign generate-key-pair

Note: whether you set a password or not, you'll need to set the environment variable COSIGN_PASSWORD with the value so that cast can use the key.

Third, copy your PGP keys as pgp.key and

Note: if your PGP key is encryped you'll need to set PGP_PASSWORD as an environment viarable so that cast can use the key to sign.

Fourth, create a new tag and push it to the remote.

Finally, run Cast to release.

cast release --legacy-pgp-sign

This will do some basic validation and package the distro for release and upload all the assets to GitHub Releases.
