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Go Project Template

This is an opinionated go project template to use as a starting point for new projects.


  • Builds with GoReleaser
    • Automated with GitHub Actions
    • Signed with Cosign (providing you generate a private key)
  • Linting with golangci-lint
    • Automated with GitHub Actions
  • Builds with Docker
    • While designed to use goreleaser, you can still just run docker build
  • Apple Notary Signing Support
  • Opinionated Layout
    • Never use internal/ folder
    • Everything is under pkg/ folder
  • Automatic Dependency Management with Renovate
  • Automatic Semantic Releases
  • Documentation with Material for MkDocs
  • API Server Example
    • Uses Gorilla Mux (yes it's been archived, still the best option)
  • Stubbed out Go Tests (note: they are not comprehensive)

Opinionated Decisions

  • Uses init functions for registering commands globally.
    • This allows for multiple main package files to be written and include different commands.
    • Allows the command code to remain isolated from each other and a simple import to include the command.


The following will build binaries in snapshot order.

goreleaser --clean --snapshot --skip sign

Note: we are skipping signing because this project uses cosign's keyless signing with GitHub Actions OIDC provider.

You can opt to generate a cosign keypair locally and set the following environment variables, and then you can run goreleaser --clean --snapshot without the --skip sign flag to get signed artifacts.

Environment Variables:

  • COSIGN_KEY (path to the key file) (recommend cosign.key, it is git ignored already)
cosign generate-key-pair


  1. Rename Repository
  2. Generate Cosign Keys (optional if you want to run with signing locally, see above)
  3. Update .goreleaser.yml, search/replace go-project-template with new project name, adjust GitHub owner
  4. Update main.go,
  5. Update go.mod, rename go project (using IDE is best so renames happen across all files)


Signing happens via cosign's keyless features using the GitHub Actions OIDC provider.


In order for Semantic Releases and GoReleaser to work properly you have to create a PAT to run Semantic Release so it's actions against the repository can trigger other workflows. Unfortunately there is no way to trigger a workflow from a workflow if both are run by the automatically generated GitHub Actions secret.

  1. Create PAT that has content write permissions to the repository
  2. Create GitHub Action Secret
    • SEMANTIC_GITHUB_TOKEN -> populated with PAT from step 1
  3. Done


The project is built to have the documentation right alongside the code in the docs/ directory leveraging Mkdocs Material.

In the root of the project exists mkdocs.yml which drives the configuration for the documentation.

This is currently copied to docs/ and the documentation is automatically published to the GitHub pages location for this repository using a GitHub Action workflow. It does not use the gh-pages branch.

Running Locally

make docs-serve

OR (if you have docker)

docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material